About me
I thought I would publish my first blog post with a little get to know me. I wanted to have a platform where I could publish my thoughts whilst in this strange time of quarantine. Whether it be about politics, mental health or just the general struggles of life and being a woman. I am currently a student, studying Politics with Spanish, therefore, a few of my blog posts may make an appearance in Spanish. I wanted to put my mind to something during this quarantine, given that all my online modules for university are now finished and a blog is something that I have always wanted to do.
The reason for the title of my blog post? I have lived my life so far between two cities. I live just outside of Glasgow in Scotland and also last year, I lived in Salamanca in Spain as part of my year abroad. An experience that I am positive I will write about in this blog. These two cities have shaped my experience as a female and made me grow as a person. I hope to gradually share the life lessons and tips if you are embarking on a year abroad or experiencing a significant change in your life. Travelling can be such a scary yet amazing thing and I believe that you only really find yourself when you do come out of your comfort zone. Yet, this is easier said than done and has plagued me with horrific anxiety that I will probably have to endure for the rest of my life. Thanks Spain. However, I guess that is life.
I have now realised how hard it is to think of facts about yourself. Now that I have covered my background, I will start off with basic facts. Number 1 is that I am left-handed. I feel that this is actually more common nowadays than I think. This was always my go to fact in any icebreaker activity.
Number 2 is that I love doing exercise. This has taken me a while to accept. I have had rocky relationship with exercise and food, something that I will also dive into deeper in this blog. But, I can say that in this lockdown, I have genuinely learned to love exercising. I love seeing how strong my body can get and celebrating everything that it does. I know that I need to fuel my body properly to perform well. My favourite exercise is running, so much so that I am doing a half marathon this year. But, I have currently injured my ankle, therefore, I am sticking to the low impact home workouts just now.
Number 3 is that I am an advocate of self-care. Self-care in any form, whether it be personal or political. Of course, I love the form of self-care of taking a bubble bath or watching your favourite film whilst devouring a tub of Ben and Jerry's. But, I am also a believer of political self care. I love this quote by Frida to explain it: "The self-care and security of you and your organisation is a political strategy and tool to ensure the sustainability of the feminist movement and our personal resilience."
Number 4 is that I am vegetarian. This was not exactly a planned diet and I hate to label my diet but I have not ate meat for about 4 months. It was originally supposed to be for Lent, however, I ended up just continuing to not eat meat afterwards. I am enjoying being vegetarian and thinking of new recipes I can make, especially in lockdown when I have so much time on my hands.
I have only been able to think of 4 facts about myself which is quite bad. I hope that you have learned a bit more about myself and enjoy reading my rambling nonsense on this blog.
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